Free Hardcore Zetsubou no Doukutsu I Bangaihen Bound
[イケンナビ (イケン)] 絶望の洞窟 I 番外編
#82093 - As the years pass Bobby gets closer and closer to achieving his goal of creating a perfect world free of crime and filled with good, honest hard working people. After a few years Near and the Police are ordered to stop trying to catch Kira when the president of the United States makes a speech and says While we as Humans will never condone murder we realize that Kira is exactly what our world needed, he or she has done in a few years what Humans have failed to do since our species rose out of the oceans of Africa, he or she has ended all wars and crime is almost non existent so as of today all law enforcement will stop trying to catch Kira and if one day he or she decides to reveal him or herself to the world then he or she will not be prosecuted .