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#477782 - I went to school with all the girls for a long time, between third and fourth grade, about half of the boys in my class were sent to Androville, and every year passed more and more would leave. however I must say, the times I have truly submitted myself, have been the most enjoyable experiences of my life. Women choose men to mate with to conceive children, children go through early schooling together but at around age eight boys start to become more and more scarce as they become masculine, however if a boy feels more like he should be a girl, and his mother and father both agree, the child can begin the sex change process to become a female citizen.

Read Blow Job Kyouso-sama no Tsukurikata / The Making of a Cult Leader Ch.1 Doctor Kyouso-sama no Tsukurikata / The Making of a Cult Leader Ch.1

Most commented on Blow Job Kyouso-sama no Tsukurikata / The Making of a Cult Leader Ch.1 Doctor

Konoha amagi
Love the look she gives the camera at the end
Nagare akatsuki
Ummmmmmmm beautiful