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#392609 - Winslow ordered, Okay, girls, finger your vaginas when you ejaculate, and as if they were powerful magnets, Steffi and Ginger's hands shot down to their crotches, where they buried two fingers each into their dripping pussies! The two penises were now at their full tumescence, and from years of experience, the doctor sensed that both girls were right on the verge of cumming! Steffi was first, and a low guttural moan was accompanied by steaming torrent of cum that shot all over the doctor's skirt! Ginger, watching wide eyed, couldn't hold back another second, and her own penis convulsed and sent a smaller, if not any less hot load on Danni Winslow's leg!!! Both Steffi and Ginger were a little rubbery legged after their orgasms, and they both sat down slightly winded. Winslow just laughed it off, calling it a natural job hazard! Danni Winslow looked the two young women over, marveling at how normal they seemed, that is until you looked between their legs! Afte

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