#112066 - The nurse turning pale, That is the girl who was brought down and logged in last night the nurse replied, Jerry spread the injured girls legs in search of her cunt tag, Cow #451, Samantha he read, Samantha? My Samantha? He added, Yes sir says here in the computer records cow #451, Samantha is registered as your personal slave said doctor Dan reading from the computer screen. Looking to Jerry, Boss, come on how closely did you examine that girl last night? I saw her she was a bloody mess how can you be sure it was Jessica? Bob asked while he forced the nurse to strip naked, looking at the nurses naked body SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAINE THIS TO ME!! he yelled looking at the nurses hairy cunt with no tag or meat grade stamp, This bitch hasn’t been registered as a meat-girl, its standard procedure to register all female workers as meat Jerry said looking at the nurses face, EXPLAIN YOURSELF!! he yelled. GAH, Alright, I’m the one who removed her tracking chip, I erased it
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